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Martha W. Allen Friend of Public Education Award

An annual recognition of a person, organization or group whose leadership, acts, and support have contributed to the improvement of education on a state level.
Click here for submission form.

The Vermont-NEA members created the Martha W. Allen Friend of Education Award as an annual recognition of a person, organization or group whose leadership, acts, and support have contributed to the improvement of education on a state level.  


A duly nominated individual, organization or group shall have significantly contributed to the advancement of public education through exhibited leadership, acts, and support of education on a statewide level; that establish the nominee as a true friend of education, education employees, and/or students.  A nominee need not be an American citizen but should reflect philosophies and principles that advance Vermont-NEA’s mission and strategic goals.  


Any member of Vermont-NEA or any local association may nominate an individual, organization or group to the Vermont-NEA Political Education Action Committee Steering Committee by completing a nomination form and submitting it to the Vermont-NEA by February 15th, 2023.  Each nomination must be signed and submitted by a Vermont-NEA member.


The Vermont-NEA Political Education Action Committee Steering Committee, will review each duly submitted nomination and recommend a recipient to the Vermont-NEA Board of Directors for approval.


Presentation of the Martha W. Allen Friend of Education Award is presented at annual Representative Assembly.  The presentation is made to the award recipient by the Vermont-NEA President.


The deadline for receiving nominations for the 2023 Vermont-NEA Martha W. Allen Friend of Education Award is February 15th, 2023.  The nomination forms and documents can be submitted at or emailed to [email protected]


The Union of Vermont Educators

The Vermont-National Education Association is the union of Vermont educators, 13,000 professionals who teach the state's children every day. As the state's largest union, Vermont-NEA is proud to represent the people who make a difference in the lives of students in classrooms across Vermont.