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Aspiring Educators

Aspiring Educators

Supporting the Development of Profession-Ready Educators
Aspiring Educators are an important part of Vermont-NEA and the National Education Association. Vermont-NEA partners with Vermont LIcensure Programs and are here to support your ongoing professional learning. Aspiring Educators are the future of our Union! Aspiring Educators may become a member of our union without a fee as part of our Aspiring Educator Fee Scholarship. Join now!
Christine Nold poses for a selfie.
What’s so great about public schools is that they bring so many students together with various perspectives, so it’s a real opportunity to help them develop a more humanizing approach to viewing the world.
Quote by: Christine Nold, Social Studies Teacher
photo of educator sitting in a circle with a diverse group of students

Create safe and supportive schools

Every student deserves a safe, welcoming, affirming learning environment. We provide the tools for educators to make it happen.

Use Your Educator Voice.

We are THE voice for educators in Vermont. See what membership can mean for you!

What’s on Your Mind?

We’re here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools (guides, reports, trainings, and more) to help answer everyday questions. We’re here to support you in whatever you need.

The Union of Vermont Educators

The Vermont-National Education Association is the union of Vermont educators, 13,000 professionals who teach the state's children every day. As the state's largest union, Vermont-NEA is proud to represent the people who make a difference in the lives of students in classrooms across Vermont.